Checklist 2015-01-19T14:25:57+00:00

Checklist Shortcode

Avada includes a useful Checklist Shortcode that will make displaying bullet points attractive and eye-catching. These checklists are stylized checklist with font awesome integration to efficiently display important bullet points to your viewers.

  • Simple yet Eye-catching Design
  • Complete Font Awesome Integration
  • Select Individual Icons For Each Item
  • Fully Customizable Appearance
  • Complete Icon and Background Color Control
  • Display Icons in A Circle or Without
  • Choose from 3 Different Sizes
  • Complete Emphasis on Important Points
  • Quick, Simple, and Easy To Use

Icon And Style Control

Select any of the font awesome icons and control the icon color and circle color. One global icon can be used in each list or choose a unique icon per line item. In addition you can choose to show no circle.

  • Global Icon List Item 1
  • Global Icon List Item 2
  • Global Icon List Item 3
  • Unique Icon List Item 1
  • Unique Icon List Item 2
  • Unique Icon List Item 3
  • No Circle List Item 1
  • No Circle List Item 2
  • No Circle List Item 3

Checklist Size

Choose your checklist icons and content to be small, medium or large.

  • Small List Item 1
  • Small List Item 2
  • Small List Item 3
  • Medium List Item 1
  • Medium List Item 2
  • Medium List Item 3
  • Large Item 1
  • Large Item 2
  • Large Item 3

Complete Set of Options

Every option and description included with the checklist shortcode is listed below.

  • icon – A font awesome icon value. For example, fa-glass.
  • iconcolor – Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the icon’s color for all list items. Leave blank for Theme Option selection.
  • circle – Can be one of these values: default, yes, or no. Sets if the icon is circular or not. Choose default for Theme Option selection.
  • circlecolor – Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the icon’s background color for all list items. Leave blank for Theme Option selection.
  • size – Can be one of these values: small, medium, or large. Sets the list item’s size. Leave blank for Theme Option selection.
  • class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
  • id – Add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.

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